Sunday, August 25, 2013

मुक्त सत्य: भारत की स्वतंत्रता - ब्रिटिश राज और गाँधी

मुक्त सत्य: भारत की स्वतंत्रता - ब्रिटिश राज और गाँधी: 15 अगस्त  1947 की घटना को 60  वर्ष से भी ज्यादा समय हो चूका है| आज की लगभग पूरी भारतीय जनसँख्या स्वतंत्रता के बाद पैदा हुई है जिसने कुछ दे...

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Pappu Quotes

 कब तक पंजाब जाकर मजदूरी करोगे ...
कब तक महाराष्ट्रजाकर भीख मांगोगे। '
गरीब जनता इस देश की ताकत है
'I know only that both SIMI & RSS were fanatics and held fundamental views '
'Its does not matter much for me that SIMI is proscribed outfits' 
'But in Democracy UNFORTUNATELY ,we have to listens to people's views'
'Politics is every where.Its in your shirts,its in your pants' 
'Indians dont believes in violence if you make them partners in politics'
'The young needs longer time to solve urgent problems'
'There are TWO Indias'
'Center is giving lots of money but state is wasting it'
'Haathi paisa khata hai'
'How long you go to beg in Maharashtra ?'
'The 2G scam has no impact and relevance in remote rural areas'
'Issues like 2G spectrum do not remain on voters mind for long'
'Now there are compulsions of a coalition politics'
'The bigger threat may be the growth of radical hindu groups
 ,which creates religious tensions and political confrontations
with muslims community '
"Poverty is just a state of mind' "Poori roti khayenge, 100 din kaam karenge, dawaiee lenge aur Congress ko jitayenge" गरीबी का सबसे बड़ा कारण बीमारी है बेरोजगारी नहीं। आदमी दो दिन काम करता है और दो दवाई खाता है। 

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

science and spirituality - Mundaka Upanishad

Science and spirituality, traditionally went hand in hand and complimented each other. That was how they were meant to co-exist. To illustrate this with an example we shall take a look at the Karnavedha (ear-piercing) Sanskaar – in which the ear-lobes of a child were pierced just before the child started formal education.

Memorisation and retention of what is taught is an essential part of education. More so in the earlier days – when knowledge transfer was done by recitation – using the verbal medium. This is why titles of 'Ekpathi', 'Dvipathi', 'Tripathi' (एकपाठी, द्विपाठी, त्रिपाठी) and so on, came about -meaning those who learnt on hearing once, twice, thrice respectively.
A certain point in the ear-lobe which is pierced and kept with a slight pressure applied to it – is known to improve memory and retention power. Today we see a Youtube video of how holding of the ear-lobes and doing sit-ups calms the mind and improves memory !
The scriptures simultaneously invoked powers of retention with prayers which the Teacher and students chanted together at the beginning of a study session. One such prayer – the peace invocation at the beginning of the Mundaka Upanishad is shared below to illustrate how science and spirituality went hand in hand.ॐ भद्रं कर्णेभिः श्रुणुयाम देवा भद्रं पश्येमाक्षभिर्यजत्राः।
स्थिरैरङ्गैस्तुष्टुवाग्ं सस्तनूभिः व्यशेम देवहितं यदायुः॥स्वस्ति न इन्द्रो वृद्धश्रवाः स्वस्ति नः पूषा विश्ववेदाः।स्वस्ति नस्तार्क्ष्यो अरिष्टनेमिः स्वस्ति नो बृहस्पतिर्दधातु। 
ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः॥ [- शान्तिः मन्त्र - अथर्व वेद]om bhadraṁ karṇebhiḥ śruṇuyāma devā bhadraṁ paśyemākṣabhiryajatrāḥ, sthirairaṅgaistuṣṭuvāgṁ sastanūbhiḥ vyaśema devahitaṁ yadāyuḥ.svasti na indro vṛddhaśravāḥ svasti naḥ pūṣā viśvavedāḥ,svasti nastārkṣyo ariṣṭanemiḥ svasti no bṛhaspatirdadhā śāntiḥ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ. [- Śāntiḥ mantra - Atharva Veda]
Oh Gods, may we hear with ur ears (always) what is auspicious; O worshipful Ones, may we with our eyes see (always) what is auspicious. May we live the entire length of our allotted life hale and hearty offering our praises (unto Thee). May Indra, the ancient and famous, Pushan (Sun) the all-knowing, the Lord of swift motion (Vayu) who saves us from all harms and Brihaspati who protects the spiritual wealth in us – bless us (with the intellectual strength to understand the scriptures and the heroic heart to follow the teachings). Om Peace ! Peace !! Peace !!!

Friday, August 9, 2013

महानारायण उपनिषद् ३४ ,३५& ३६ Mahanarayan upnisad 34 35 36

During the Upanayanam sanskaar the child is initiated to the worship of Goddess Gayatri (to make the intellect bright) and Goddess Saraswati  
आयातु वरदा देवी अक्षरं ब्रह्मसंमितम्। गायत्रीं छन्दसां मात
ेदं ब्रह्म जुषस्व मे।
 यदह्नात्कुरुते पापं तदह्नात्प्रतिमुच्यते। यद्रात्रियात्कुरुते पापं तद्रात्रियात्प्रतिमुच्यते। सर्व वर्णे महादेवि सन्ध्याविद्ये सरस्वति॥
ओजोऽसि सहोऽसि बलमसि भ्राजोऽसि देवानां धामनामासि विश्वमसि विश्वायु-स्सर्वमसि सर्वायु-रभिभूरों गायत्री-मावाहयामि सावित्री-मावाहयामि सरस्स्वती-मावाहयामि॥
May the boon-conferring discrimination granting Devi Gayatri come to us (in order to instruct us about) the imperishable Brahman who is determined by Vedanta. May Gayatri, the mother of metres, favour us with the Supreme just mentioned. O Devi! thou art the source of all letters, O Devi! The great Deity, O thou the object of meditation at twilight, O thou Sarasvati, may your devotee be liberated from the sin that he commits during the day by the same day and the sin which he commits during the night by the same night.

O Devi Gayatri, Thou art the essence of strength. Thou art patience, or the subduing power. Thou art physical capacity. Thou art splendour. Thou art the abode of gods and their name. Thou art the insentient universe. Thou art the full span of life or the Lord of all. Thou art every living thing. Thou art the life span of all. Thou art the vanquisher of all that is hostile to us. Thou art the Truth denoted by the Pranava. I invoke Gayatri, (into my heart). I invoke Savitri. I invoke Sarasvati.
उत्तमे शिखरे जाते भूम्यां पर्वतमूर्धनि। ब्राह्मणेभ्योऽभ्यनु ज्ञाता गच्छदेवि यथासुखम्।
 स्तुतो मया वरदा वेदमाता प्रचोदयन्ती पवने द्विजाता।
 आयुः पृथिव्यां द्रविणं ब्रह्मवर्चसं मह्यं दत्वा प्रजातुं ब्रह्मलोकम्।
O Goddess, Thou may go and remain at thy pleasure on the highest and holiest peak on the earth, or in any high place until the brahmanas remember thee again. May the boon-conferring mother of the Vedas, who has been invoked by me, who impels the created beings like wind and who has two places of birth, depart to the excellently produced world of Brahman having conferred on me, here on the earth, long life, wealth and power of Vedic learning.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Ground Reality: Believe it or not, Mukesh Ambani and an average gu...

Ground Reality: Believe it or not, Mukesh Ambani and an average gu...: My maid servant asked me the other day: “ Sahib ji , TV news tells me those earning more than Rs 1000 a month are not poor. How can this be...

IMP quotes, shlocks,subhasit in sanskrit ~III

क्षमा वीरस्य भूषणं नरस्य भूषणं रूपं रूपस्य भूषणं गुणम्। गुणस्य भूषणं ज्ञानं ज्ञानस्य भूषणं क्षमा।। क्षमा बलमशक्तानां शक्तानां भूषणं क्षमा । क्षमावशीकृते लोके क्षमया किं न सिध्यति ॥ न हीदृशं संवननं त्रिषु लोकेषु विद्यते । दया मैत्री च भूतेषु दानं च मधुरा च वाक् ॥
अयं निजः परो वेति गणना लघुचेतसाम्
 । उदारचरितानां तु वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम् ॥ - हितोपदेश
 This is mine or that is his - thus is accounted by the petty-minded.
 But for ones with an exalted life, the whole world itself is a family
ब्रह्म सत्यम जगन्मिथ्या, जीवो ब्रह्मैव नापरः ! इस जगत की उत्पादिका और विनाशिका माया (अविद्या) है, जो अनिर्वचनीय है ! काव्यशास्त्रविनोदेन कालो गच्छति धीमताम् ।  व्यसनेन च मूर्खाणां निद्रया कलहेन वा ।। The time of the wise passes by entertainment with arts and sciences , that of the foolish goes by troubles, sleep or quarrel

अधमा धनमिच्छन्ति धनं मानं च मध्यमाः । उत्तमा मानमिच्छन्ति मानो हि महताम् धनम् ॥   Lowly people desire wealth [over respect], average people desire wealth and respect, the great people desire respect [over wealth]    for respect is wealth of the great!


Monday, August 5, 2013

The truth about Mahatma Gandhi

According to Jawaharlal Nehru, independent India's first prime minister, Mahatma Gandhi's pronouncements on sex were "abnormal and unnatural" and "can only lead to frustration, inhibition, neurosis, and all manner of physical and nervous ills… I do not know why he is so obsessed by this problem of sex".
Take the episode when the newly arrived Gandhi is ejected from a first-class railway carriage at Pietermaritzburg after a white passenger objects to sharing space with a "coolie" (an Indian indentured laborer). In fact, Gandhi's demand to be allowed to travel first-class was accepted by the railway company.Rather than marking the start of a campaign against racial oppression, as legend has it, this episode was the start of a campaign to extend racial segregation in South Africa. Gandhi was adamant that "respectable Indians" should not be obliged to use the same facilities as "raw Kaffirs". He petitioned the authorities in the port city of Durban, where he practised law, to end the indignity of making Indians use the same entrance to the post office as blacks, and counted it a victory when three doors were introduced: one for Europeans, one for Asiatics and one for Natives.
Hero or puppet? Gandhi’s role in India’s freedom

स्वातंत्र्य वीर सावरकर पर डा. वेड प्रताप वैदिक के कुछ सुन्दर लेख

स्वातंत्र्य वीर सावरकर पर डा. वेड प्रताप वैदिक के कुछ सुन्दर लेख के लिंक दे रहा हूँ
सावरकर-साम्प्रदायिक-थे ?


मारग चलतै जो गिरा, ताकै नाही दोस कहै कबीर बैठा रहै, ता सिर करड़ै कोस एक हमारी सीख सुन, जो तू हुआ सीख करूँ करूँ तो क्या कहै, किया है तो दीख प्रेम न बाड़ी ऊपजै, प्रेम न हाट बिकाय। राजा परजा जेहि रूचै, सीस देइ ले जाय।। मैं मेरी सब जायेगी, तब आवैगा और जब यह निसचल होवेगा, तब आवैगा ठौर मैंने तो यह सोच कर तस्बीह ही तोड़ दी, क्या गिन गिन माँगू उससे जो बेहिसाब देता है। साधू भया तो क्या भया जो नहीं बोले बिचार हतै पराई आतमा जीभ लिये तलवार हीरा सोई सराहिये सहै घनन की चोट कपट कुरंगी मानवा परखत निकरा खोट मारग चलतै जो गिरा, ताकै नाही दोस कहै कबीर बैठा रहै, ता सिर करड़ै कोस

कबीर के दोहे 7 kabir

70) जिन ढूँढा तिन पाइयां गहरे पानी पैठ-मै बपुरा बूड़न डरा रहा किनारे बैठ71) दोस पराए देखि करि, चला हसन्त हसन्त, अपने याद न आवई, जिनका आदि न अंत।
72)आग जो लगी समंद में, धुआं न परगट होय ,सो जाने जो जरमुआ, जाकी लागी होय

73) जैसे तिल में तेल है, ज्यूँ चकमक में आग , तेरा साईं तुझ में है, तू जाग सके तो जाग
74) )"बुरा जो देखण मैं चला, बुरा ना मिलया कोए ,जो मन खोजा अपना, तो मुझसे बुरा ना कोए"

75) ज्यों नैनो में पुतली, त्यों मालिक घट माहिं , मूरख लोग न जानहिं, बाहर ढूँढन जाहिँ।
76) रोज़ा करे, नमाज़ गुजारे कलमा इन बिष्ट न होई, सत्तर काबे इक दिल भीतर जे करी जाने
Kabirji on non-vegetarianism77) कबीर-माँस अहारी मानई, प्रत्यक्ष राक्षस जानि। ताकी संगति मति करै, होइ भक्ति में हानि।।78) कबीर-माँस खांय ते ढेड़ सब, मद पीवैं सो नीच। कुलकी दुरमति पर हरै, राम कहै सो ऊंच।।

मांस मछलियां खात है, सुरा पान सों हेत।
ते नर जड़ से जाहिंगे, ज्यों मूरी का खेत।
यह कूकर को भक्ष है, मनुष देह क्यों खाय। 
मुख में आमिष मेलहिं, नरक पड़े सो जाये।।

कबीर-माँस भखै औ मद पिये, धन वेश्या सों खाय।
जुआ खेलि चोरी करै, अंत समूला जाय।।5।।

कबीर-माँस माँस सब एक है, मुरगी हिरनी गाय।
आँखि देखि नर खात है, ते नर नरकहिं जाय।।6।।

कबीर-यह कूकर को भक्ष है, मनुष देह क्यों खाय।
मुखमें आमिख मेलिके, नरक परंगे जाय।।7।।

Sunday, August 4, 2013

1947 transfer of power real fact about india's freedom

1) It is held as an axiomatic truth that India became an independent, sovereign state from 15 August 1947 when the British imperialists transferred power to Indian hands. Do facts bear out what is generally supposed to be true?
The Transfer of Power: Real or Formal?

2)The ratings mutiny in the Royal Indian Navy made the British realise it was time to leave India.
Royal Indian Navy mutiny gave a jolt to the British

3) Hitler, NOT Gandhi, Should Be Given Credit for the Independence of India in 1947One of the greatest myths, first propagated by the Indian Congress Party in 1947 upon receiving the transfer of power from the British, and then by court historians, is that India received its independence as a result of Mahatma Gandhi’s non-violence movement.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

कबीर के दोहे 6 kabir

60) कबीरा मन पंछी भया, भये ते बाहर जाय। जो जैसे संगति करै, सो तैसा फल पाय।61) कह कबीर यह क्यों मिटैं, चारों बाधक रोगतीरथ गये ते एक फल,सन्त मिले फल चार सत्गुरू मिले अनेक फल, कहें कबीर विचार62) माया मरी ना मन मारा , मर मर गए शरीर ,आशा तृष्णा ना मरी ,कह गए दास कबीरkabir on circumcision63) जो तू बांभन बभनी को जाया। और राह दै काहै न आया।।जो तूँ तुरक तुरकिनि को जाया। पेटहिं काहे न सुनति कराया।।
64) निंदक नियरे राखिए, आँगन कुटी छुवाय बिन पानी साबुन बिना, निर्मल करे सुहाय...............65) सबद बराबर धन नहीं, जो कोइ जाणे बोल हीरा तो दामै मिले, सबद ही मोल न तोल।66)कबीर: कथनी थोथी जगत में, करनी उत्तम सार कहत कबीर करनी सफल, उतरे मंजिल पार।
तिनका कबहुँ ना निंदये, जो पाँव तले होय । कबहुँ उड़ आँखो पड़े, पीर घानेरी होय ॥68)घट का परदा खोलकर,सन्मुख दे दीदार। बाल सनेही साँइयाँ,आवा अन्त का यार॥69)हंसा बगुला एकसा, मानसरोवर माहिं ,बगा ढूँढोरे मछरी, हंसा मोती खांहि ।kabir on circumcisionजो तू बांभन बभनी को जाया। और राह दै काहै न आया।। जो तूँ तुरक तुरकिनि को जाया। पेटहिं काहे न सुनति कराया।।