Saturday, July 17, 2010


The three norms or tenets prescribed for the personal, familial, professional, social and national conduct of life for all the brothers and sisters associated with Bharat Swabhiman Movement are : complete purity, complete Bhartiya-ness [Indianness] and complete organized discipline.

1. Complete purity mainly means the purity of character and purity of financial dealings in their personal and public life. All the brothers and sisters associated with the movement will accord topmost priority to these two types of purity in their life. If a worker does not strictly adhere to these three norms or tenets, he will cease to have any connection with this movement, or the connection will be deemed to have been terminated.

2. Complete Bharatiyata [Indianness] means that all the workers associated with this movement will be fully committed to ‘Swadeshi’ in their life. We will totally boycott all foreign goods manufactured with ‘zero’ technology. In every sphere of our personal, public and national life we will give the topmost place to Bharat and Indianness. ‘Swadeshi’ is not limited merely to articles and clothes; it is a complete philosophy of life. Whenever we come across Indian ethos, Indian science, knowledge, art, craftsmanship, culture, literature and traditions, all these have a strong bond with the tenet of bharatiyaness or ‘Swadeshi’. We will commit ourselves one hundred percent to Indian culture, i.e., to Bharatiya languages, dress, medicine, food, music and sentiment. We are Bharatiya first, Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, Christians, etc. later. We will accord the highest place in every sphere of our life to our national ethos, national languages and national interest.

3. Complete organized discipline means that we will be fully resolved to observe in our life our cultural concept of ësaÅgacchadhvam saÅvadadhvaÅ saÅ vo ÅanaÅsi janataÅí Live in harmony and concord, be organized and co-operative, speak with one voice and make your resolution with one mind]. We will work in our respective fields with full freedom and full competence. We will be fully honest in observing our personal creed and our national ethos as a true sadhaka (learner) and soldier, or as a true yogi and warrior, complying alongside with the orders issued by the organization, or headquarters, like a true soldier. At the call of the organization or if a movement is started, all will stand up together and strive for success.

At the call of headquarters, all will unite to work together with complete discipline, magnanimity and energy. Success does not come without unity. When only a handful of Englishmen can get united and rule over the whole world, why can we all Bharatiya not unite to install Bharat as the Supreme World Power? When only a few persons have organized themselves to plunder the country, why can we all Bharatiya not organize ourselves to save the country from being looted? We will definitely get the corrupt system of Bharat changed, will eradicate corruption, and will make Bharat a powerful nation through complete organized discipline.
Bharat Swabhiman Movement has three main aims :-
1. To bring about a complete change, in national interest, in all the wrong policies and corrupt systems prevalent at present.
2. Complete eradication of corruption, and to bring back to Bharat about 100 lakh crore rupees swindled through corrupt practices, to declare it as national property, and to invest it in national reconstruction and development.
3. To build up a healthy, prosperous, culturally refined and powerful Bharat free from poverty, unemployment, hunger, want and illiteracy, and to install Bharat as a great world power or world teacher (Visvaguru).


All the 115 crore Indians, i.e., all the mothers, sisters, daughters, brothers and elders belonging to all the castes, regions and sects are our own kith and kin.
We hold it as our moral, social, spiritual and national duty or responsibility to work for the health, happiness, prosperity, honour, pride and freedom of all these people of our country.
This is the guiding sentiment behind all the policies formulated by Bharat Swabhiman Movement.
This mission chiefly and ultimately aims at serving benevolently and whole-heartedly the country and its people without any selfish interest.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Bharat Swabhiman Andolan (A Social And Spiritual Movement)


The problems, challenges and awfully painful circumstances that have cropped up during these 63 years of our Independence testify to the fact that our systems and policies have failed to mete out justice to the people of our country. Therefore, there is an imperative need to re-structure afresh our whole system and policies.

1. Even after 63 years of our Independence, if 50% population of India is illiterate; we do not have the right to get advanced technical education in our national languages; there is not a uniform educational system for the rich and the poor; yoga education has not been integrated in the educational curriculum for the purpose of character-building; our educational system teaches humiliatory things about the knowledge, life and character of our ancestors; is all this not the failure of our educational system? According to an estimate of the Govt. of India, out of the 18 crore students admitted to schools, only 1 crore of them are able to achieve their goal of getting higher education – the highest failure of our educational system.

2. 65% of the sick in the country cannot afford medical treatment. We leave those crying and groaning sick persons to die helplessly, and in the case of 35% sick going for medical treatment, more than 7,00,000 crore (seven lakh crore) rupees of the people’s wealth are wasted only in controlling the diseases, and even about 50% of these people have to sell or mortgage their land and houses in order to meet the expenses of treatment. What else but the failure of our health- care system does it indicate.

3. Why do those 34,735 laws enacted by the British rulers, during our period of slavery, to plunder, exploit and enslave us for centuries still govern us in independent India? Our judicial system is able to punish only 5 of the 100 criminals; 95% go scot-free. Our country’s money to the tune of 100,00,000 crore (one hundred lakh crore) rupees swindled through corrupt practices is stashed away in the Swiss and other foreign banks. 30% of our sisters or daughters are molested or their modesty is outraged. Each year approximately 1 crore female foetuses are destroyed . Every hour is witness to the murder of 3 sisters for dowry and the rape of about 2 daughters. Whether It is a case of terrorism or of the criminals playing with the life of 115 crore people of the country by poisonous adulteration in food articles, why is our judicial system not able to mete out punishment to these corrupt persons, murderous dowry-seekers, rapists and other type of criminals?
his only means that a radical change in our judicial system is the crying need of the hour. Judicial system and economic system lie at the root of all the systems of a country, and at present the malfunctioning of these two systems is the cause behind clashes, exploitation, favouritism and injustice all over the country. The fire of terrorism, sectarian or casteist fanaticism, or Naxalite violence rages here and there. Our people are deprived of justice due to our wrong polices and wrong systems.
4. On one side, the Gross Domestic Product (G.D.P.) of the country is approximately 50,00,000 crore (fifty lakh crore) rupees, which means that the product generated by the factories, fields, all the services departments and skilled workers is to the tune of 50 lakh crore rupees. The annual budget of the central and state governments, local municipal bodies and other local bodies approximating to 20,00,000 crore (twenty lakh crore) rupees is prepared in the name of development. The wealth of the country to the tune of approximately 100 lakh crore rupees is stashed away in the Swiss and other foreign banks. Due to our wrong economic policies and wrong taxation policy, 50 lakh crore rupees in the form of black money exists in the country itself. Why, in spite of this immense wealth, about 84 crore people of our country are forced to live a life of destitution, poverty, helplessness, want, starvation and illiteracy? Why are about 250 districts in the country engulfed in the fire of Naxalite violence due to lack of development, illiteracy, unemployment, starvation, etc.? Had we taken up the development of these poor districts honestly and sympathetically Naxalites would perhaps never been born there. Even after 63 years of our Independence we have not been able to provide basic necessities to people, such as food, clothing, shelter, education, health, security, electricity, water, roads, etc. The devaluation of our currency and wealth and degradation of our citizens in the eyes of the world, is a pointer to the failure of our economic system. Is it not a shameful slap in the face of our economic policies when we slide down to a poor 134th position in the United Nations Human Development Report? It is now of utmost importance that a revolutionary change is brought about in the unequal and partisan distribution, economic corruption, and blind adoption of foreign economic policies.

5. During these 63 years of Independence perhaps we have not humiliated anybody else so much as our food-supplier, the farmer, and our nation-builder, the labourer and worker. Neither adequate supply of water or electricity, nor right type of seeds are available for the field of the farmer. Toxic and costly fertilizers, pesticides, and insecticides have driven the farmers of the country to committing suicide. Besides, the intake of these toxic foodgrains has caused life-threatening diseases to 115 crore people of the country. It is owing to our wrong agricultural policies that each year our farmers are robbed to the tune of about 5 lakh crore rupees in the form of chemical fertilizers and toxic insecticides; the diseases caused by them take the lives of lakhs of people; and about 7 lakh crore rupees go waste in controlling the diseases caused by this contaminated food. Almost 80% of the total return from crops is spent by the farmer on purchasing seeds, insecticides and these toxic fertilizers. What could be a bigger proof of our wrong policies and corrupt systems? The only answer to all these questions is: changing the system. We cannot change the fortune of India for the better without changing the system. The only way to a complete solution of the problems of the country is: changing the system. No half-way remedies or reforms will do now. An all-out massive campaign is the crying need of the hour. Only then we shall be able to cure Mother India of the diseases and deep wounds inflicted on her. No caste, region or sect is responsible for the injustice, favouritism, our poverty and sad plight; it is rather due to wrong policies, corrupt systems and corrupt practices that injustice is being done, or justice is being denied, to most people in the country, irrespective of their caste, region or sect