Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Gandhi Naked Ambition: The Truth about Gandhi’s Sex Life, Thrill of the Chaste

Gandhi: Naked Ambition’ written by famous historian Jad Adams will cause a
lot of swirl in the public and media. It is unbelievable to learn that Gandhi slept
and bathed with young girls.
Gandhi’s Sex Life Examined naked with naked nubile women to test his
chastity, the pre-independence prime minister of the Indian state of
Travancore called him, “a most dangerous, semi-repressed sex maniac”?
Much of this material was known during his lifetime, but was distorted or
suppressed after his death during the process of elevating Gandhi into the
“Father of the Nation” Was the Mahatma.
Gandhi Slept and Bathed With Young Girls
With religious chastity under scrutiny, a new book throws light on Gandhi’s
practice of sleeping next to naked girls. In fact, he was sex-mad, writes
biographer Jad Adams.
Gandhi was born in the Indian state of Gujarat and married at 13 in 1883; his
wife Kasturba was 14, not early by the standards of Gujarat at that time.
The young couple had a normal sex life, sharing a bed in a separate room in his family home, and Kasturba was
soon pregnant.
However, Gandhi and Kasturba’s last child wasn’t born until fifteen years later, in 1900.
But was there something more complex than a pious plea for chastity at play in Gandhi’s beliefs, preaching has
and evens his unusual personal practices (which included, alongside his famed chastity, sleeping naked next to
nubile, naked women to test his restraint)? In the course of researching my new book on Gandhi, going through a
hundred volumes of his complete works and many tomes of eye-witness material, details became apparent which
add up to a more bizarre sexual history.
It was no secret that Mohandas Gandhi had an unusual sex life. He spoke constantly of sex and gave detailed,
often provocative, instructions to his followers as to how to they might best observe chastity.
In fact, Gandhi did not develop his censorious attitude to sex (and certainly not to marital sex) until he was in his
30s, while a volunteer in the ambulance corps, assisting the British Empire in its wars in Southern Africa.
On long marches in sparsely populated land in the Boer War and the Zulu uprisings, Gandhi considered how he
could best “give service” to humanity and decided it must be by embracing poverty and chastity.
At the age of 38, in 1906, he took a vow of brahmacharya, which meant living a spiritual life but is normally
referred to as chastity, without which Hindus deem such a life impossible.
Mohandas (not Mahatma) Gandhi’s Failed Leadership in Politics and Gandhi’s Domestic Violence and weird
Sexual Perversion in his private life.
If Gandhi was alive today, he would be arrested for sexual abuse and put away for life as a sexual offender.

“We know from his autobiography how shamefully he treated his wife. He was transparently honest and he had
much less to hide from anyone else. Nothing can be found if other public figures are to be scrutinized because
things have been carefully hidden and suppressed.” Gandhi, the family man. Gandhi’s Grandson.
1. Gandhi used to beat his wife up routinely.
2. Gandhi was having sex when his father lay
breathing his last upstairs.
3. Gandhi denied sex to his wife for decades
4. Gandhi was an adulterer and had a spiritual
marriage with two British women who were in the
5. Gandhi slept naked with his niece (and 12-year-old
girls) and other women to prove that he could control
his manliness.
6. Gandhi would do enemas twice a day and if he liked you allowed you to enter the piece up his rectum.
7. Gandhi used to drink his own urine and the urine of cows. Chilled Urine drinking hot in India. From Gandhi to
Prime Minister Desai to common man. Hindu India: A gift from the Hindu Gods: Cows Urine: UK Telegraph
reports by Julian West
8. Gandhi son left him and converted to Islam
9. The racist Gandhi was a total failure in South Africa where he tried to stratify the society, Whites, Indians and
Africans. His racism towards the Africans was horrendous. His horrific advice to all Jews to commit suicide was
abomible. His atrocious letters to his friend Hitler were the height of stupidity.
10. Gandhi condones Zulu massacres and defends the British. Aug 4 1906
11. The sex life of Mr. Gandhi and his failures as a politician
12. The myth of Mohandas K. Gandhi debunked. He gets an “F” on South Africa, Salt Match, Non-Violence, and
13. Which war did Mohandas Gandhi support? All of them. There was not a war that the prophet of Non-Violence
did not support. He was Sergeant Major in the British Army and won a medal for his war duties
14. Gandhi’s racism. The truth behind the mask. Behold Sergeant Major Gandhi who supported the British during
the Boer war, Zulu rebellion. Behold the prophet of peace who worked to stratify the South African society.
Gandhi did not bring the British Empire down.
15. Gandhi’s letter to his friend Hitler.
16. Sex life of Mohandas Gandhi, his failures and sexual perversion
17. Gandhi’s wrote letters to his friend Hitler and supported him. Gandhi’s horrific advice to Jews—Commit mass
suicide. “We have no doubt about your bravery or devotion to your fatherland, nor do we believe that you are the
monster described by your opponents.” Gandhi to Hitler.
“The Indian government contributed $10 million for the movie Gandhi (Detailed debunking on this site). It is based
on a book of fiction called “Freedom at Midnight” by Collins et al.
You can see glossed over failures and the perversion in the movie Gandhi but it is not overt and explicitly shown.
You have to be smart and familiar with the history to see it embedded in the movie

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