Monday, January 20, 2014

Hinduism theory of Genesis

Judaism Christianity & Islam have their own theory of genesis , how world is created. They believe in primary couple of Adam & Eve. Here is What Hindu's epic Mahabharat says about Hindus theory of Genesis.
 निष्प्रभे ऽसमिन निरालॊके सर्वतस तमसावृते
   बृहद अण्डम अभूद एकं परजानां बीजम अक्षयम  adiparva 1.27
In this world, when it was destitute of brightness and light, and enveloped all around in total darkness, there came into being, as the primal cause of creation, a mighty egg, the one inexhaustible seed of all created beings.
  युगस्यादौ निमित्तं तन महद दिव्यं परचक्षते
   यस्मिंस तच छरूयते सत्यं जयॊतिर बरह्म सनातनम 1.28
   अद्भुतं चाप्य अचिन्त्यं च सर्वत्र समतां गतम
   अव्यक्तं कारणं सूक्ष्मं यत तत सदसद आत्मकम 1.29
It is called Mahadivya, and was formed at the beginning of the Yuga, in which we are told, was the true light Brahma, the eternal one, the wonderful and inconceivable being present alike in all places; the invisible and subtile cause, whose nature partaketh of entity and non-entity.
    यस्मात पितामहॊ जज्ञे परभुर एकः परजापतिः
     बरह्मा सुरगुरुः सथाणुर मनुः कः परमेष्ठ्य अथ
    पराचेतसस तथा दक्षॊ दष्क पुत्राश च सप्त ये
     ततः परजानां पतयः पराभवन्न एकविंशतिः 1.31
From this egg came out the lord Pitamaha Brahma, the one only Prajapati; with Suraguru and Sthanu. Then appeared the twenty-one Prajapatis[21], viz., Manu, Vasishtha and Parameshthi; ten Prachetas[10], Daksha, and the seven sons of Daksha[7].
    पुरुषश चाप्रमेयात्मा यं सर्वम ऋषयॊ विदुः
     विश्वे देवास तथादित्या वसवॊ ऽथाश्विनाव अपि 1.32
   यक्षाः साध्याः पिशाचाश च गुह्यकाः पितरस तथा
     ततः परसूता विद्वांसः शिष्टा बरह्मर्षयॊ ऽमलाः 1.33
Then appeared the man of inconceivable nature whom all the Rishis know and so the Viswe-devas, the Adityas, the Vasus, and the twin Aswins; the Yakshas, the Sadhyas, the Pisachas, the Guhyakas, and the Pitris.
    राजर्षयश च बहवः सर्वैः समुदिता गुणैः
     आपॊ दयौः पृथिवी वायुर अन्तरिक्षं दिशस तथा
     संवत्सरर्तवॊ मासाः पक्षाहॊ रात्रयः करमात
     यच चान्यद अपि तत सर्वं संभूतं लॊकसाक्षिकम 1.35
 After these were produced the wise and most holy Brahmarshis, and the numerous Rajarshis distinguished by every noble quality. So the water, the heavens, the earth, the air, the sky, the points of the heavens, the years, the seasons,the months, the fortnights, called Pakshas, with day and night in due succession. And thus were produced all things which are known to mankind.
 So hindus believes than human race started by 7 Rishis ,who were saved after last pralay - total destruction of universe who marry to daughters of prajapatis. seven rishis starts 7 gotras , most hindus know their gotra  i mean their the ancestor Rishi's name.

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