Tuesday, March 18, 2014

The Message of Krishna

Krishna, upon Uddhava’s request, gave a short, simple, and easy way to God-realization- Self-realization for the modern age as follows:(1) Do your duty to the best of your abilities for Me, without any selfish motive, and remember Me at all times --- before starting a work, at the completion of a task, and while inactive.
 (2) Practice looking upon all creatures as Myself in thought, word, and deed; and mentally bow down to them.
 (3) Awaken your dormant Kundalini power and perceive --- through the activities of mind, senses, breathing, and emotions --- that the power of God is within you at all times and is constantly doing all the work using you as a mere instrument.
 Yogiraj Mumtaz Ali says: The one who fully knows oneself as a mere instrument and a playground of mother Nature (Prakriti, mind), knows the Truth. Cessation of all desires by realizing the true essence of the world and the human mind is Self-realization.
 Paramahams Hariharananda Giri says: God is in everything as well as above everything. So if you want to realize Him, you must seek and see Him in every atom, in every matter, in every bodily function, and in every human being with an attitude of surrender.
The essence of God-realization is also summarized in the four verses of the Bhaagavat Mahaa-Puraan (BMP 2.09.32-35) as follows:
The Supreme Lord Krishn said: O Brahmaa, the one who wants to know Me, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Shri Krishn, should only understand that I existed before creation, I exist in creation, as well as after dissolution. Any other existence is nothing but My illusory energy (Maya). I exist within the creation and at the same time outside the creation. I am the all-pervading Supreme Lord who exists everywhere, in everything, and at all times.


  1. Hello, I wonder if you could document this master for us: “Yogiraj Mumtaz Ali”, whom you quote above and whom we would like to quote saying (found on Internet): “When you serve a less fortunate person in any way – material or spiritual – you are not doing him or her a favour. In fact, one who receives your help does you a favour by accepting what you give, thereby helping you to evolve and move closer to the divine, blissful being, who in reality is within all.” If you could point us in the right direction for information on this Yogi, we would be most appreciative. Thank you.

  2. Hello, I wonder if you could document this master for us: “Yogiraj Mumtaz Ali”, whom you quote above and whom we would like to quote saying (found on Internet): “When you serve a less fortunate person in any way – material or spiritual – you are not doing him or her a favour. In fact, one who receives your help does you a favour by accepting what you give, thereby helping you to evolve and move closer to the divine, blissful being, who in reality is within all.” If you could point us in the right direction for information on this Yogi, we would be most appreciative. Thank you.
