Monday, March 4, 2013

Chanakya Sutra

Chanakya Sutra
 has 572 sutras. These are the first 10 sutras from Chanakya Sutra:
1. Sukhasya moolam Dharmah
Meaning – The basis of “sukha” or all true pleasantness  is “dharma” or righteous conduct.
2. Dharmasya moolam Arthah
Meaning- The basis of all “dharma” is “artha” or wealth.
3. Arthasya moolam Rajyam
Meaning – The basis of all “artha” is “rajya” or the State.
4.  Rajyasya moolam Indriya Jayah
Meaning – The basis for the stability of the State lies in control over the “indriya“ or sense faculties providing pleasure.
5.  Indriyajayasya moolam Vinayah
Meaning – The basis for control over the sensual faculties is in “vinay” or humility.
6. Vinayasya moolam Vruddhopasevah
Meaning – The basis for humility is devotion to those grown old through wisdom.
7. Vruddhopasevaya Vijnanam
Meaning – Through devotion to the wise, one attains proficiency with the maximum efficiency.
8. Vijnanena atmaanam Sampadyet
Meaning – It is imperative for all the functionaries of the State to perform their duties with the maximum efficiency.
9. Samapaditatma jitatmama Bhavati
Meaning – To perform State duties with the maximum efficiency, the functionaries of the State must learn to control their sensual needs, and maximize their internal potential.
10. Jitatma sarvarthe Sanyujyate
Meaning – Those who have vanquished their baser selves will become prosperous naturally, can retain their prosperity, and (will) be successful in their endeavors.
सुखस्य मूलं धर्मः , धर्मस्य  मूलं  अर्थः
अर्थस्य  मूलं  राज्यं  , राज्यस्य मूलं  इन्द्रिय  जयः
इन्द्रियाजयस्य  मूलं  विनयः, विनयस्य मूलं  वृद्धोपसेवः
वृद्धोपसेवाय  विग्न्यानं , विग्न्यानेनं आत्मानं  सम्पद्येत
समपदितात्म जितात्मम  भवति, जितात्मा  सर्वार्थे  संयुज्यते